Sir Timothy Teaches on The ABCs of Faith, Pt 2


Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – The ABCs of Faith, Part 2

Getting ‘back to basics’ in the Christian Faith.




Guest/Topic: Brother Tom Tait Personal Experiences with the Amazing QUEET and Quantum Healing Light


Praying and Getting Results: Special Call-in Guest: Tom Linebaugh – Using Faith in the Most Practical Ways…including to prevent storms!





Some Questions & Comments From the Netcast:







References & Links:


Showed a short video about the Christian influence in the United States government.  And, a wonderful segment from another video alerting humans to Wake Up!  It’s time to learn of your purpose here on this Earth and awaken your consciousness to a larger awareness!





Get informed and involved in REAL World Improvement!  Help change our world for the better!  Pray about becoming a Covenant Partner Today!


For all who might have wondered about the gifts available from the website, we have a wonderful brother joining us to share his experiences with a number of them.  Brother Tom Tait will tell us about the many amazing things he’s seen when using the QUEET (Quantum Energy Enhancement Technology).  He’s also been employing the Quantum Healing Light, the Pyramid Energy Grid and finally the mileage booster technology.  We think you will be amazed when you hear the successes he’s had using these technologies.  Brother Tom will also be providing video testimony of two additional experiences with the QUEET and Quantum Light that are remarkable.  Join us to see why he’s become such an advocate for WITTS and spreads the word on World Improvement.