#285 Divine Healing Belongs to You!; Brother Sam Thrapp and Brother Max – Miracles; A.I.
on February 7th, 2016 at 8:56 amSir T taught on the topic “Divine Healing Belongs to You!”, and several people joined via phone including Brother Max, and Brother Sam Thrapp! Also we had some discussion of AI (Artificial Intelligence.)
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Teaching: Sir Timothy Thrapp – “Divine Healing Belongs to You!”
Divine Healing Belongs to you, but do you reach out and take it?
Technology & World Highlight:
–As our phones and smart electronics are becoming more advanced and helpful, so is artificial intelligence software. However, it seems we’re walking down a slippery slope that might lead somewhere other than we had planned.
AI Being TAUGHT to Disobey Humans
–With the proliferation of cameras everywhere, there are more examples of unusual phenomenon showing up. Antigravity suits, small craft, and dragons?
10 Videos Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera 2015
–Another short clip of someone in politics who is telling it like it really is:
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) on MSNBC Defining Conservatism
–Here is a fitting analogy from real life that describes the blind leading the blind and refusing to tap into the mind of Christ and God the Father… -Rand
Ant Death Circles Explained
Guests / Callers:
–Sir T’s Brother Sam joined us and shared some recent miracles he’s been seeing after some praying and fasting.
–Brother Max joined us to share some recent miracles, as well as a song.
–Brother Robert Litke called in and shared about a church he has been attending that see’s oil flow from a man’s hands. He gave the address / contact info for it.
Questions & Comments:
Q: Was listening to the teachings on divine healing over and over a couple weeks ago. Shortly after that my son and wife got really quite sick from a virus. They were in bad shape. I was exposed to the same thing from them and hardly noticed any symptoms. The effect of learning the teachings were dramatic! I think medicine is okay when God directs us to it. God will answer faith both supernaturally as well as naturally.
Q: Can divine healing can also apply to the sick condition of emotions such as depression, apathy, hopelessness?
Q: I have heard that elves, etc. live in the aether subdimension, do you know if there’s any truth to that?
Q: How does the life saved from automobile death by teleportation work.
Q: (regarding the circling ants) Point remains the same though. Tapping in to the mind of God breaks the frequency of the world.
C: Regarding artificial intelligence: The one and only way to overcome “A I” is tapping into the power and mind of God -and do as He directs exactly.
C: regarding the “A I” video, did the woman say robots taking care of the elderly…. it does not take much imagination to see where that is going in light of eugenics. It is like a bad joke!
C: Regarding Ai: I attended an orientation for the computer department of a top local high school four years ago. As an example of what computers can be used for, the department head talked about programming a computer to play a game of “rock-paper-scissors” and play against “the human”. The computer learns accumulating data on the behavior patterns of the opponent and eventually defeats the human. I found this to be a little alarming considering where the kids taught this are headed. They do not teach morality in these schools and the school system works to get the parents out of the equation. I mention this because we need to be aware of what is going on and resist it in God’s authority.
C: many scientists are insane – (they are) worshiping the works of their hands instead of the eternal laws of good.
C: Regarding having to pray a number of times for a healing: In Mark 8:22-25 Jesus had to pray twice to heal the blind man. I heard someone say that translates to about praying 100 times for us. LOL
C: The miracle of true love and faith – Great message – Amen Sir Timothy
C: Halleluyah! We are all that believe supposed to do these same things, we are commanded to do this Luke 9:1 10:1 Matthew 10 Praise YAHWEH for his obedience to the word of the Almighty to us! – I am constantly seeing these same type healings and miracles that are restoring things and saving peoples lives..
C: Even blessed a peach tree that was almost dead and had to pinch off 100 or so peaches because there were to many after commanding resurrection power.. – Saw the draught stopped and reservoirs return from drought , and so many similar things, the Holy Ghost Of God Almighty Yahweh himself is in you and you are a new creation… – And nothing shall be impossible for you!~ – In Yahshua the Messiahs Holy Name! – The peach tree bowed to the ground even after that, because there were too many peaches.
C: Just before I saw the homeless lady made completely whole in Yahshua the Messiah’s Holy Name, and her poked out eye resurrected, as we pulled into the Arby’s parking lot, I was saying father why haven’ t I seen a blind eye filled? – And it was like he was the one causing me to will and to do? – If The Holy Ghost is in you, you can and should be doing the same things… – is what I have realized about, and why I am doing these things. – It’s not a gift, but a command Luke 9:1 0;1 Matt10:1. – .Luk 9:2 And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick Lk 10:9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. – n Mat 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. – It is a command, not a suggestion or a request…
C: Pray always in true love – when we walk in God’s will we are blessed.
C: Excellent music MAX thanks – Each according to his gifts.
C: When people receive God, they heal themselves – Offer repentance to the people.
C: Yes the power of Yahweh leads the people to repentance and that is why it says preach the Gospel , while healing the sick, he backs up your word, his word. – To prove that he is real and to back up his word…
C: Eternal salvation is the blessing of loyalty to God.
Q: How do you induce resonance into a solid state QEG? How are the standing waves tuned?
Q: In the movie Tomorrowland they implied the Eiffel tower was intended to be a huge antenna …do you know if there is Any truth to that?