#366 Secrets to Eternity… Secrets to Eternal Life!; Guest Brother Kelley Black – The Remarkable Wave Pump!; Is Distilled Water Safe to Drink?
on August 27th, 2017 at 10:04 pmThis week Sir T brought continuation of his teaching on, “Secrets to Eternity… Secrets to Eternal Life!” Brother Kelley Black joined to share about an amazing water pump invention in the late 20s. This pump beat what was believed to be an unbeatable barrier in water pumps at the time. And is the Hoysaleswara Temple, India built with ancient machining technology? There is evidence to suggest this. And does distilled water really cause problems if you drink it? We discuss why it might actually be some of the best water you could ever drink. And, is it possible we are living our lives in some kind of a virtual simulation? ….Another un-program you won’t want to miss!
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This week Sir T continued his teaching on, “Secrets To Eternal Life!”
Another fascinating, God-anointed teaching that you won’t want to miss!
Guest Brother Kelley Black – Discussed a Water Pump Invention from back in the 20s.
Technology & World Highlight:
–>In the late 1920’s this ingenious design for a water pump was thought to be un-patentable due to it being able to draw water from a depth of more than 33 feet. It was thought this would put it in a class of perpetual motion machines, therefore impossible. Not only was it possible, but it was very efficient for practically any depth when demonstrated!
The Pyramid Pump, standing waves and mountain springs.
–>Hoysaleswara Temple, India – Built with Ancient Machining Technology?
–>Andrew Norton Webber and early death from distilled water
–>As computer hardware and virtual reality programs become more and more powerful, it begs the question, “Is the reality we humans experience day to day actually real, or could it also be a virtual simulation?” The parallels are striking!
Evidence Of The Virtuality Of Our World
C: : This is my first time tuning in live. Neat!
C: : Monsanto=Monsatan-they knew this since 1970’s-gluphosate is in fact a biological molecule first used as antibiotic, parasite etc.. And they also have incorprotated Bt in their corn etc- when bugs try to eat it their stomach explodes,so any good GMO corn from Indiana,anuone ?
C: : G-d uses us to do stuff . . . 2 Chronicles 16:9 . . . His eyes search throughout the whole earth
C: : What a beautiful song – love it. Praise God
C: : It is amazing to me. God’s Word will meet you where you are. i.e. Baby Christian or mature Christian, therefore Living Word.
Q: Just saw in the news (RT) a new MIG is in development claimed capable of Mach 4 and space travel. This is a first! Any ideas about the technology being applied?
Q: : (Re: the ancient stone machining technology) perhaps they used a form of electrical discharge machining?
Q: : What do they think of Jesus in the secret cities that you saw/visited?
C: : Bro Jackson was talking about a sonic laser to do these types of carvings
I was thinking of an interference pattern of two sonic laser beams would do it.
C: : S.A.S.E.R. (sonic laser) Technology is a good google….
Q: : Sir T- can you clarify Aaron Murakami (energeticforum.com ) about the QEG, Ron Brandt see http://emediapress.com QEG with engineer? James Robitaille (with aka Hope-scam Girl)
C: : 3D Printing now prints complete homes, workshops, human organs and food among a few.
C: : I saw videos about large-scale stone work that theorize that tech was available that could soften the stone enough to allow it to be sculpted like clay and then re-harden.
C: : (Re: the virtual reality world view) Concerning virtual reality, I think it is more likely that the simulation uses each person’s own “computing power” to “run” the reality each one is seeing. Plus, all our virtual realities are interactive.
C:: We do live in a Simulation…GOD’s!
Q: : Here’s a question: If someone created the virtual reality that we live in, did that creator leave any evidence that he created it? Did he leave clues about himself? If I made a virtual reality . . . I’d leave clues . . . I’d ‘sign’ my creation. best evidence ever . . . he entered His creation, became one of us, experienced everything we experienced, that we might know Him.
… But, the Lord Jesus died a death and suffered a suffering not virtual
…I mean, Lord Jesus did not enter a virtual flesh
…He became flesh and died a very real death, NOT virtual. Hm… why would sin have to be punished in an unreal world… ?
…You can not simply shut down the simulation hardware (computer)
Q: : Ask Sir T if anyone connected to him has ever adopted a child from the orphanage? My wife wanted to know.
C: : Elon Miusk a CIA shill and front man.Virtual reality-while people argue those in the real world are ripping off the gullibles out of their cash…
Q: : Bro Kelley, what is the nature of the actuator piston? Can you describe it?
C: : @Reality… I know this is going to be controversial, but I do not believe we can define energy… We do and it will take us so far… but are we doing it justice seeing we do not know other realms…
C: : rainwater is plasma activated it basically recharges your white blood cells for battle
…here in my home we drink atmospheric water. It is very refreshing…
Q: : Is this at all similar to how the siphon spring at Gihon (Jerusalem) works?
C: : After Bellocq’s patents Oct 1929,Jan 1934 (more complex) Albert’s G. Bodine acoustic pump, Jul 1948.May 1951. Oct 1951 now called deep well pump. Feb 1955 now Sonically actuated valve .Continuing- G Bodine, Sept 1960 now labelled Acoustic Deep Well Pump with Free compression column. Dec 1064-the Sonic Boring drill.
C: : Alternative housing: Earthship pockets of freedom — http://earthship.com/pockets#!/catid=1;5;14;11;12;13;3;6;4
C:: 3D Printing now prints complete homes, workshops, human organs and food among a few.
C:: I saw videos about large-scale stone work that theorize that tech was available that could soften the stone enough to allow it to be sculpted like clay and then re-harden.
C: : (Re: the virtual reality world view) Concerning virtual reality, I think it is more likely that the simulation uses each person’s own “computing power” to “run” the reality each one is seeing. Plus, all our virtual realities are interactive.
C: : We do live in a Simulation…GOD’s!