Thank you for all that you do!

We are leaving for Ethiopia this Saturday and will be in country till the 6th of October.

My wonderful wife has created a blog site so you can follow our adventure as GOD leads us

I have truly come to love the insight, growth, fellowship, friendship and meeting with like minded people that are associated with World Improvement Ministries. 

I have a ton of Skype credits and one day will make the time to dial in and have a chat with you, now we are in pre-vacation mode and so much we would like to have done has , by GODS grace and Mercy, been completed and the rest we must not need to complete but will when the time is determined by GOD to happen.

Thank you for your prayers in advance, we are praying for WITTS ministry as GOD brings you to mind!!!




PS: It is interesting as we take baby steps in the process of getting to LOVE GOD more ,he is so overwhelming faithful,   recently  while walking with my wife, I stopped to pray that the chem trails in the sky would stop, that very second they stopped,Praise the LORD.  I believed but was still amazed at what our Savior can and will do.

OK have a good and GODLY  Day, for what good is a day without GOD.